Family & Caregivers
Our community partners are doing incredible work to help give you the tools and support needed to build your caregiver advocacy.
Advocacy and Support Partners
Equality Virginia’s mission is to advocate and organize across the Virginia Commonwealth to build a future where all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and broader spectrum of people (LGBTQ+), have the safety to thrive. Because when Virginia is safe for ALL LGBTQ+ people, Virginia is safer for everyone. EV works to share information about how to get involved, how to engage policy makers in meaningful, change-based conversation, and how we can help one another keep our communities safe.
He She Ze and We’s mission is to support Transgender and Nonbinary people by empowering their families, communities, and allies to create life-saving, inclusive environments. They are able to do this through Family support aimed to create educational opportunities for families seeking additional information specific to parenting trans and gender expansive youth. HSZW also creates and fosters support for families through connectedness, bringing families together to enjoy social gatherings.
HB145/SB161 Bills
Earlier in 2020, the Virginia General Assembly passed HB145/SB161. This bill directed the Virginia Department of Education to “develop and make available to each school board, no later than December 31, 2020, model policies concerning the treatment of transgender students in public elementary and secondary schools.” These model policies must address:
Compliance with applicable nondiscrimination laws
Maintenance of a safe and supportive learning environment free from discrimination and harassment for all students
Prevention of and response to bullying and harassment
Maintenance of student records
Identification of students
Protection of student privacy and the confidentiality of sensitive information
Enforcement of sex-based dress codes
Student participation in sex-specific school activities and events, excluding athletics, and use of school facilities.
The bill also requires school districts to adopt their own inclusive policies following the minimum set forth by the VA Dept. of Education no later than the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.
The ACLU of Virginia is a nonpartisan organization that defends and promotes the civil liberties and civil rights of all Virginians, particularly for those who are still fighting to secure the full exercise of those rights. With an unwavering commitment, we fight with and for Virginians for systemic change in our communities, in the legislature, and in the courts to ensure fairness, liberty, and justice and to realize the promise of the U.S. Constitution.
Here’s an update on the Status of the 2023 VDOE Model Policies
Advocating for Inclusive Policies in your School District
Check out Side by Side’s Advocacy Guide for Inclusive Transgender Policies in your school district.